• Today I did the final page tweaks for issue 3, drew the front and back cover, and chose a title. Tuesday all the members on Patreon get to see it all. patreon.com/matthewbo…

    Sunday December 3, 2017
  • Finished the first draft of the script for Issue 4. I’m finally at a place where I like it, in fact I love it, but it’s really long. 🤞I can get it down.

    Sunday November 26, 2017
  • Good day today. I finished three pages today and they are some of my favorites of the series. I badly want to show them to you but they won’t be any good at all without the pages surrounding them. Drawing comics is strange.

    Saturday November 25, 2017
  • Panel from Incredible Doom number 3. Beginning in a few weeks. This is my favorite issue of the series so far.

    Saturday November 25, 2017
  • I’m interested in micro.blog. I love markdown support, twitter cross-posting and the ability to own my own timeline.

    Friday November 24, 2017