Of all the words to truncate. “Typography“
What an amazing thing, that virtually any audiobook in the world can be read to me instantly through these while I eat my dinner.
To celebrate completing the first draft of my next graphic novel I spent a cold, rainy and memorable night at Edgefield. Watching Dune (for the third time) from the balcony of their little theater, exploring the halls of their renovated building, resting in my room, and floating in their winding soaking pool.
The first draft of Incredible Doom Vol. 2 is due to my editor tomorrow. My list of tweaks to make to the is currently 111 items long. Let’s see how today goes.
Tried to post a chart to micro.blog using the iOS app. It appeared to crop off the results. Remade the chart. Couldn’t select it from camera roll due to iOS permissions. Tried sunlit. Sunlit ignored the crop I’d intentionally made of the chart in photos app. Gave up.
Having stress dreams about things that don’t actually happen in my upcoming book.
“Oh no! Why am I just now realizing, days before the deadline, that a mechanical horse and time travel are totally inconsistent with the tone of the book?”
Spent the day not feeling well, but took a long nap and then managed to get a little work in. I think I’m really close to sending Vol. 2 Chapter 2 to my editors. 🤞
Puppy and I watched “Hard Days Night” for the first time. 🍿
Did something I’d never done before today. I found my book in a book store and asked if they’d like me to sign it. So now there are three signed copies of Incredible Doom at the Barnes and Noble in Bridgeport Village in Tigard, OR. One of them also has a drawing in it
Currently reading: The Productivity Project: Accomplishing More by Managing Your Time, Attention, and Energy by Chris Bailey 📚
Finished reading: Stone Fruit by Lee Lai 📚 This graphic novel is beautiful. So heartbreaking and well observied. I’m thrilled. Lee takes some wonderful artistic risks that really pay off.
The window art on Books With Pictures is fantastic at the moment.
Found my book at Powell’s books today and I didn’t even put it there.
Got to go out to breakfast with my girlfriend today. Breakfast! I haven’t had restaurant breakfast food since before the pandemic.
I had to take a nap at 1pm because I am evidently no longer a match for syrup. 🥞
Our book hits store shelves today. I can’t believe it.
💾📘INCREDIBLE DOOM is a graphic novel series about 90s teens getting into trouble over the early internet. Unlikely alliances, first love, and minor crime sprees abound.
Anybody got a local comic shop that they’d like me to offer free signed bookplates for Incredible Doom too? Send me their info and I’ll reach out to them later today.
Gosh, This One Summer is a fantastic book.
Only 22 pages to layout today. No problem. 😬
A rejected cover sketch for the upcoming Incredible Doom Vol. 1. Originally inspired by a cover to “Never Let Me Go” by Kazuo Ishiguro. I did several where the kids were apprehensively looking at a computer like it had just landed from outer space. 💥💾🖥🖌
I also did a sketch version of Jesses cover, with dot matrix printer paper as the title devider.
A cover concept my collaborator Jesse made from art for our upcoming book Incredible Doom Vol 1. Proud that the panel with my dog in it made the cut! (although upside down)
My colaborator Jesse just posted some adorable rejected ASCII art that he made for our book, including our own ASCII “author photos”. I love that this project allows for stuff like this, and that Harper let us get away with it!
Working with the windows open today!
It's strange how drawing this comic works. For the last two days of drawing pages the work was grueling. Nothing looked good and getting myself to figure out a panel was like pulling teeth. Today I blew through what turned out to be one of my favorite pages of the next book in no time and I'm having a blast. 🖌
Just tried Micro.blogs features for looking up a book by it’s ISBN and it worked for my book! : Incredible Doom (Incredible Doom, 1) by Bogart, Matthew 📚